miguel santiago

Two Bills Sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation Both Pass Unanimously in the Assembly Business & Professions Committee!

Today, we are thrilled to share the news that two of our sponsored bills passed the Assembly Business and Professions Committee. Both bills, AB 1781 and AB 1881, will protect the well-being of dogs and cats in our state, but in two unique ways. AB 1781 was on the consent file, meaning all members voting yes, while AB 1881 passed the committee with a vote of 14 – 0 (All members voted yes, except: Vice Chair Flora, Fong, & Dahle all abstained, and Cunningham was absent).


The Planet Needs Your Calls! AB 1979 Will Be Voted On Wednesday, 4/27!

AB 1979 is a new bill which responds to Governor Newsom’s veto message to 2021’s AB 416. The Governor committed to working with Assemblymember Kalra and the sponsors on this crucial legislation, and we are pleased to report that we are in active discussion with the administration on the bill.

miguel santiago

Happy National Pet Day! & L.A. Mayoral Candidate Forum Video!

AB 1881 promotes the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of dogs and cats by informing potential adopters of the animal’s needs before they adopt. This bill would require a public animal control agency or shelter to post a copy of the Dog and Cat Bill of Rights accessible to public view.