ACR 86 Passes Full Legislature! Call to Action to Keep Griffith Park Cruelty-Free!

ACR 86 passed its final hurdle today on the Senate floor, setting the stage for more action to save animals’ lives.
➡️ We are sponsoring or supporting important bills this year, including six that are a direct response to ACR 86. What we need most from you right now is a donation of any size to help cover the costs associated with moving these bills forward.


New Bill Will Expand Dog Breeder Regulations and Increase Shelter Transparency.

AB 2425 will expand the definition of dog breeder and ensure that all dogs sold by breeders are microchipped and vaccinated, include provisions requiring that shelters post the adoption availability of animals on their website or a third-party website, and order the California DFA to conduct a study on overcrowding in California shelters and potential remedies.


AB 1983 Passes First Committee Hearing!

Reminder to Sign Up to Support All of SCIL’s Sponsored Legislation! Your support in the form of letters, calls, and social media engagement will be key to passing laws that save animal lives.