AB 416 CA Deforestation-free Procurement Act & AB 1282 CA Blood Bank Modernization Act Both officially on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature!

AB 416
AB 416

Governor Newsom has until October 10th to sign AB 416 & AB 1282 into law or veto.

We believe his moral compass is with us and will sign them both. However, we cannot take anything for granted. This is why he needs to hear from you!

Please either call or use the Governor’s contact page to send your support for both bills.

If you choose to call, the general switchboard number is: 916-445-2841


Better yet, go to this link, and follow the prompts – steps below:



Governor Newsom

Click on: “Contact”

Next screen, click on:

“Have Comment”, then type in your first name, last name, and email address.

Then, select the “Please choose your subject” click on drop down list, and scroll all the way down and select “AB00416..” , then click on “Continue” button.

You will need to go through the process for each bill.

Next, screen – click on “Pro” then write your message – make sure to say “Please sign the bill” somewhere in your message.

Then click at bottom the “Send Message” button.

sign petition

The whole process will take less than 5 minutes and means so much!

We cannot thank you all enough for your support. All the calls and letters are essential for success!

Please, consider making a donation to support our vital work.

Thank you for your help,
Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president
Social Compassion in Legislation

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