SB 1249

Truly historic bill making California the first state to ban the sale of cosmetics and personal hygiene products newly tested on animals, preventing needless animal suffering.
AB 273

Makes California the first state to ban recreational and commercial fur trapping, thus ending an anti-quated, cruel and taxpayer-subsi-dized practice that was destroying wildlife for private profit.
AB 485

Bans the sale of “puppy mill” bred dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores. This landmark law has been replicated in four states and over 400 locations.
SB 1138

Requires state-run hospitals, healthcare facilities and prisons to offer plant-based food and beverages, a win for residents of these institutions as well as for animals and the planet.
Click here to see

the full list of SCIL’s landmark laws.
AB 1260

Adds hippopotami, sharks, sting-rays, and several reptile species to the list of animals that cannot be sold in California or imported with intent to sell. Read More
SB 313

Makes California the third state to ban the use of wild animals in cir-cuses, saving countless elephants, bears, lions and other animals from torture and abuse for entertainment.