Important Poll Results and Call to Action: Californians Overwhelmingly Support the Provisions of AB 416 (Kalra) the CA Deforestation-Free Procurement Act

CA Deforestation Act

Because of your generous support, this month, Social Compassion in Legislation was able to contract with Data Orbital, an A-rated national polling firm according to FiveThirtyEight, the polling aggregation website, to poll California registered voters on their level of concern with tropical and boreal deforestation and the State’s purchases that might contribute to deforestation. The poll showed that Democrat, Republican, and Independent/Decline to State voters are overwhelmingly concerned about our planet’s most important forests, showing broad bipartisan support!

Here are the key findings from the poll:

1) 84.1% of voters across California were concerned or very concerned about the potential deforestation being caused by the production of certain commodities that are purchased by the State of California.

2) This concern translated into 78% support of legislation that would require the State of California to only purchase goods from companies that certify they do not contribute to deforestation.




Please Make One Call to your Assemblymember for AB 416, the CA Deforestation-Free Procurement Act

Need Your Calls Made from
Today through June 2!

Ask they “vote AYE” on AB 416!


Please spread the word on this important bill and get others to visit our website and make calls too. And please, consider making a donation to support our vital work.

With gratitude,
Judie and the SCIL team!

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