Latest news FROM SCIL

This is your one-stop shop for all the latest news about SCIL campaigns, organizational events and other updates. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay in the know about everything that is being done to save and protect animals and how you can help.

Call to Action: Federal Ban on Kangaroo Sales Ban!

October 27, 2023
SCIL is excited to support the effort led by the New South Wales (NSW) Member of Parliament, Emma Hurst, to save Australian kangaroos. We met with the Honorable Emma Hurst and her team on their recent visit to the United States to advocate for US support in shutting down its market for kangaroo products.

OC Register Coverage of Pesticide Fight; Invitation to Join Pet Overpopulation Webinar!

October 23, 2023
The Laguna Beach Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC) hearing held on September 18th heard a proposal for five actions, copied below. The proposal was submitted for a vote by the Wildlife Subcommittee, which is led by our founder and president, Judie Mancuso. We are happy to report that the ESC voted unanimously to move these recommendations to the full City Council for consideration.

Calling for Creative Marketing Ideas! SCIL Needs Your Help!

October 12, 2023
Celebrating Ten Years of the Pet Lover’s License Plate! We Need Creative Marketing Ideas to Sell Many More Plates!

Breaking News: Governor Newsom Signs SCIL Sponsored Bill!

October 9, 2023
Assembly Bill 829, the Animal Cruelty & Violence Intervention Act will expand currently required counseling for violations of Penal Code 597 to additional sections pertaining to animal abuse, such as those involving malicious violence, willful poisoning, or bestiality.

Call to Action! Contact the Governor for AB 829!

September 22, 2023
AB 829 is officially on the Governor’s desk! Governor Newsom has until October 14th to sign AB 829 into law or veto. We are hopeful Governor Newsom will sign the bill into law since this policy will save animals from horrific abuse and prevent future violence against humans. But the Governor MUST hear from all of us. He needs to know there is support for this legislation. He needs to hear from you!

UPDATE: ACR 86, Pet Crisis Response Act, Vote Postponed by Senate Until Early 2024!

September 15, 2023
ACR 86 calls for the State to immediately fund spay and neuter and other medical services along with a public relations campaign urging Californians to adopt shelter animals, to stop unwanted litters, and for out-of-state veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians to apply for California licensure.

AB 829 Passes Senate! Now Awaits Governor’s Signature!

September 14, 2023
This evening, Assembly Bill 829, the Animal Cruelty & Violence Intervention Act, authored by Assemblywoman Marie Waldron (R-Valley Center) and sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation, passed the full Senate with a vote of 40-0. The bill also passed a procedural concurrence vote in the Assembly. The bill will be sent to the Governor, where he will have 30 days to sign the bill into law or veto it.


September 13, 2023
Our bills are at the final stage of the legislative process and need your help immediately!
Both AB 829 (Waldron), the Animal Cruelty & Violence Intervention Act, and ACR 86 (Kalra), the Pet Crisis Response Act, are eligible for a Senate vote. The end of the session is tomorrow. If they are not voted on by the end of session, then they are dead.
📞 Please call the two Senators listed ASAP!

CALL TO ACTION: AB 829, ACR 86, & Ban on Import Permits for Invasive Species!

September 8, 2023
Both AB 829 (Waldron), the Animal Cruelty & Violence Intervention Act, and ACR 86 (Kalra), the Pet Crisis Response Act, will be voted on by the full Senate next week!
📞 Please Call YOUR Senator ASAP and Ask Them To “Vote YES on AB 829 and ACR 86!”

Some Great News And Some Awful News!

September 1, 2023
✅ AB 829 & ACR 86 Both Successfully Pass Senate Appropriations Committee and Now Need Your Help!
❌ AB 332 Killed by Department of Public Health!

MEDIA ADVISORY: Press Conference with Priscilla Presley, Social Compassion in Legislation & ASM Kalra

August 28, 2023
Monday, August 28, 2023 at 10:00 AM | Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-San Jose) will hold a press conference with American icon Priscilla Presley, Social Compassion in Legislation’s Founder and President, Judie Mancuso, and Sacramento SPCA CEO, Kenn Altine, and co-authors to advocate for ACR 86, the Pet Overpopulation Crisis Response Act, prior to the bill’s hearing at noon.

Call to Action for ACR 86, Pet Crisis Response Act & Heartbreaking News re: Pet Boarding Industry

August 21, 2023
1️⃣ ACR 86, the Pet Overpopulation Crisis Response Act, Needs Your Call No Later Than This Friday, 5PM!
2️⃣ BREAKING NEWS! Wag Hotels, a Popular Pet Boarding Chain, is Neglecting Dogs According to SFChronicle and Firsthand Account from SCIL Supporter!

SCIL Event with Priscilla Presley Recap, New Law in Laguna Beach, & Call to Action!

August 10, 2023
A big thank you to Priscilla and her team for attending and allowing us to honor her for a lifetime of animal advocacy. Priscilla was ever so gracious with all of our guests. We are truly grateful for her support and unwavering love for animals.

Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity this Saturday!

July 12, 2023
If you haven’t yet purchased your ticket for this Saturday’s Animal Rights Event of the Year with Priscilla Presley, please don’t wait another day. Come spend the evening in a gorgeous setting with amazing animal lovers, delicious vegan food, and a silent auction you won’t want to miss – including a surprise item from the private collection of The King himself, personalized by Priscilla.

Updated Invitation for SCIL Event on July 15th! Please Buy Your Tickets Today

July 6, 2023
Want to support SCIL? Right now, the best way to support our groundbreaking work is to attend our July 15th event, and bring your animal-loving friends. Please buy your ticket today to the Animal Rights Event of the Year with Priscilla Presley!

Breaking News: ACR 86 Passes Assembly Floor; Updated Invitation for SCIL Event on July 15th!

July 3, 2023
Today, ACR 86, the Pet Crisis Response Act, authored by Assemblymember Ash Kalra and coauthored by a bipartisan group of twelve legislators, passed the Assembly Floor with a vote of 66-0. The resolution details the underlying issues that have contributed to too many dogs, cats, rabbits and other species being born in or brought into California without enough Californians willing to give them forever homes and urges action on the pet overpopulation crisis in California.

Need Two Calls Now! Buy Ticket or Donate to SCIL Event on July 15th!

June 30, 2023
1.) ACR 86 Clears Assembly Appropriations Committee! Please Call Your Assemblymember for Floor Vote!
2.) Protect Prop 12 & other Animal Protection Laws across the country!

Breaking News: Deforestation-free Procurement Efforts Move Forward! Buy Ticket or Donate to SCIL Event on July 15th!

June 27, 2023
Yesterday, we had our hearing and the audit was approved by a vote of 11-2. We thank Assemblymember Kalra for his unwavering commitment to this issue, and to all the Committee members who voted to approve the audit.

Save the Date and Need Your Help!

June 22, 2023
AB 332, The Animal Shelter Data Collection Act, needs your telephone call now! Also, save the date of July 15th – it’s our Animal Rights Event of the Year!

ACR 86 Passes Committee Unanimously! 829 Passes Committee, Too!

June 21, 2023
Watch ACR 86 Successful Hearing; Don’t Forget, SCIL Event On July 15Th!