Please Help Kern County: Need Shelter Veterinarian and more!


Please Help Kern County!

Help us get the word out for Kern County’s in-house Shelter Veterinarian open position. Also, they need help with more spay and neuter services in the community. We cannot help them enough with their spaying and neutering needs.

Besides the full-time veterinarian position, they have temporary grant funding for part-time veterinarians (DVMs) and registered veterinary technicians (RVTs) to perform surgeries on both shelter pets to prepare them for adoption as well as family pets to prevent potential future shelter intake. Please click on image below that will take you to their website.

Also, they need spay and neuter mobile units to be out in the community for free services to low-income areas. Please act now and email Director Nick Cullen directly to help them.


Thank you passing along our email alerts to others in order to help save animals.


With gratitude,

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president
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