Cruelty-free Cosmetics Act in Danger! Need Your Org’s Support & L.A. Wildlife Ordinance Virtual Meeting!

yes on sb1249

Please call Senator Alex Padilla and Senator Diane Feinstein and ask them to oppose Section 614 of Title 8 of FDASLA in order to save the “California Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Act of 2018”!

We need your urgent help! Congress is on the verge of erasing our hard fought protections for animals and putting countless animals in jeopardy in the process.

The U.S. Senate is quickly advancing S.4348, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Landmark Advancements Act (FDASLA). Tucked into this sweeping bill is a harmful provision that would wipe away state laws that prohibit the sale of animal-tested cosmetics. If passed, the federal law would erase and invalidate the landmark bill Social Compassion in Legislation cosponsored in 2018, SB 1249, the California Cruelty-free Cosmetics Act, which banned the sale of cosmetics tested on animals, and similar laws on the books in seven other states.

If Congress passes this provision, painful and unnecessary tests on animals in the cosmetics industry will continue without limits, and states would be prohibited from banning these tests or tested products in the future. We cannot let this happen!


To call your Senators on the phone, just dial 202-224-3121, and you will be guided to your Senators’ offices by an operator. In California, ask for Senator Feinstein and Senator Padilla. If you live outside of California, ask for your state’s senators.

You will then be able to leave a message like this:

“My name is ______, and I live in _____ [CITY]. Let me ask you please to protect animals from cruel tests by opposing Section 614 in Title 8 of the FDA Safety and Landmark Advancements Act. That cruel section of the bill would wipe out the protections that animals have now under California state law. Please oppose this provision. Thank you.”

Thank you much for taking the time to make these important calls!

Dear Organizations: Support Letters Needed for Our Sponsored Bills!

We are now in the end of the legislative session, which ends on August 31st. We have 3 bills that still need support from organizations! Do you or someone you know have a rescue organization or other organization that works to protect animals? We need your support!

Many of you have already signed up, but if you have not, NOW is the time for you to engage and have your voices heard!

Here’s how to send your support letter for all of our remaining sponsored bills.

It’s easy – following the steps below.

  • Please click on our ‘How-to-Help’ page, then:
  • Choose the button on whether you are sending as an Individual, Organization, or Both.
  • Then, click on the bills you want to support, or click the box “All Bills Option” to support them all. The bills you click to support will have a red box around them. Then click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.
  • Fill in your information
  • Click “Send Support” !

We then produce your letter(s) and ensure they are received by the correct legislators and committees.

***Remember, if you are an organization, you must follow the instructions to register for an organization. The committees have requirements we must fulfill in order to get your support registered in the committee analysis, which is very important.

Alternatively, organizations can send their letter which must be on letterhead and signed as a pdf to

Please Virtually Attend the Los Angeles Wildlife Ordinance Public Hearing!

July 13th from 5-7 PM

City Planning initiated the Wildlife Pilot Study in 2016 in response to a Motion introduced by City Councilmember Paul Koretz.

The Motion called for the Department to create an ordinance with a set of land use regulations that would maintain wildlife connectivity in the city.

Los Angeles benefits from world-class climate, natural spaces, and biodiversity that contribute to the quality of life of its residents. These important resources are mixed in among the city’s homes, businesses, roads, and other infrastructure. By elevating sustainability in the development process, we can support conservation of local plants and animals while building climate resilience, fire safety, and a healthy watershed.

The Public Hearing is an opportunity to offer public testimony in SUPPORT for the proposed Wildlife District Supplemental Use District and Zone Change.

All Wildlife Supporters Should Speak at the Public Hearing!

Talking Points might include:

  • There are thousands of species of plants and animals that make their home in the Santa Monica Mountains. Some can only be found in this area. Others are at risk of going extinct. All of them are affected by sprawling development. This ordinance will ensure that our local flora and fauna maintain access to the connected habitat they need in order to thrive.
  • Some effects of habitat fragmentation are not seen until years after development. We cannot sit and wait for these negative impacts to happen before we take action.
  • Protecting native landscapes is a vital part of reaching L.A.’s goals regarding climate change resilience and water preservation. This will help protect the water we drink every day, and the air our children breathe.
  • Sprawling development in very high fire severity zones has continually increased the frequency and intensity of fires. Preserving natural open space can help to reduce this fire risk by reducing irresponsibly crowded development.

View the Hearing Notice for more information

Use the information below to join the public hearing on Wednesday July 13th, 2022 anytime between 5 – 7pm.

Instructions for Access (Computer):

  1. Go to webinar link and enter password when prompted OR
  2. From the Zoom application, Join > Enter Meeting ID > Enter Password.
  3. Instructions for Access (Telephone):
  4. Dial one of the listed phone numbers.
  5. When asked for a Meeting ID, enter “825 9405 3759”,
  6. followed by “#” (pound sign).
  7. When asked to enter a participant ID, enter “#” (pound sign) to continue.

We cannot thank you all enough for the action you take for the animals! Please consider making a donation to help us continue our work.


With gratitude,

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

Social Compassion in Legislation