Important Poll Results and Call to Action: Californians Overwhelmingly Support the Provisions of AB 416 (Kalra) the CA Deforestation-Free Procurement Act

Because of your generous support, this month, Social Compassion in Legislation was able to contract with Data Orbital, an A-rated national polling firm according to FiveThirtyEight, the polling aggregation website, to poll California registered voters on their level of concern with tropical and boreal deforestation and the State’s purchases that might contribute to deforestation. The poll showed that Democrat, Republican, and Independent/Decline to State voters are overwhelmingly concerned about our planet’s most important forests, showing broad bipartisan support!

thank you for your support

Update on Bills: AB 416 (Kalra) Deforestation-Free Procurement Act & AB 1282 (Bloom/Wilk) Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act PASS APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE!

Sacramento, May 20, 2021 – Today, AB 416 and AB 1282 both passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee. AB 416, the California Deforestation-Free Procurement Act and AB 1282, the California Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act, will help save our planet’s most important forests and the lives of our beloved companion animals, respectively.

AB 558

AB 558 (Nazarian) California School Plant-Based Food and Beverage Program

We are excited to announce that Assemblymember Nazarian has made a formal budget request to fund incentivizing schools to serve plant-based lunches and beverages.
Earlier this year, it was decided to make AB 558 into a two-year bill, meaning that the bill would not be heard in committee in 2021, but would be ready to move at the beginning of 2022.