Still Need Your Help, Running Out of Time!

AB 416 CA Deforestation-free Procurement Act & AB 1282 CA Blood Bank Modernization Act. Both being scrutinized by the Governor’s staff on whether they recommend a signature or veto! Last call for your support. No time to lose!

Laguna Beach Magazine

Still Need Your Help & Latest News!

September Issue of the Laguna Beach Magazine features our work! Still Need Your Help! AB 416 CA Deforestation-free Procurement Act & AB 1282 CA Blood Bank Modernization Act Both officially on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature!

AB 1282 California Blood Bank

AB 1282 (Bloom/Wilk) Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act

Today, AB 1282 the California Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act, passed the full Senate with a unanimous vote. The bill, which was introduced earlier this year by authors Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D- Santa Monica) and Senator Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita) and led by Social Compassion in Legislation, aims to bring transparency and oversight to animal blood banks in California by allowing community blood banks and phasing out captive-closed colonies.