4 SCIL Sponsored Bills Successfully Voted On The Assembly Floor Today!


CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLY PASSES BAN ON SALE OF CERTAIN EXOTIC ANIMAL SKINS WITH A VOTE OF 61-12…AB 1260 to reduce California’s role in global animal cruelty

Part 1: 4 SCIL Sponsored Bills Successfully Voted on the Assembly Floor Today!

Part 2: California Assembly Passes Ban on Sale of Certain Exotic Animal Skins with a Vote of 61-12

Part 3: Win for Rainforests: California Assembly Passes Bill Requiring State Contractors Not Engage in Tropical Deforestation with a Vote of 57-17

Part 4: California Assembly Passes Bill to Incentivize Plant-based School Lunch Options with a Vote of 61-12

Part 5: In Keeping with Latest Science, California Assembly Passes Bill to End Outdated, Animal-killing Hazardous Waste Test with a Vote of 74-0


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