Active Campaigns

Below is information about all of our 2025 sponsored legislative campaigns. If you or your organization would like to sign on to support letters for any or all of these bills, please go to our How-to-Support pages and sign up – it’s easy! 

To sign up your organizations, go HERE

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AB 1382, a bill to ban the sale of pets genetically modified for cosmetic purposes.

March 24, 2025
This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact subsequent legislation relating to animal welfare for adoptable animals.

AB 1482, a bill to strengthen dog breeder laws and require shelters to post animals online

February 21, 2025
This bill, Bowie’s Law, would require an animal shelter, as defined, to provide in a conspicuous location on its internet website or a third-party internet website a list of all animals that are available for adoption.
AB 1482 Pic

AB 724, a bill to prohibit the sale and use of glue traps.

February 14, 2025
This bill would make a nonsubstantive change to the existing law relating to the specified fees for the license required by a person who traps fur-bearing mammals or nongame mammals.
AB 724 Pic

AB 793, a bill to raise the legal threshold for courts determining to euthanize a "dangerous" dog.

February 18, 2025
This bill would require a court or other hearing entity in a proceeding on original jurisdiction, or a court in a proceeding on appeal, to determine whether a dog is vicious upon clear and convincing evidence.
AB 793 Pic

AB 631, a bill to ensure intake and outcome data is available from all shelters and rescues.

February 13, 2025
The bill will require that all animal shelters and animal rescues post the intake and outcome data for the animals they take into custody on their website or a third-party website and make publicly available for at least five years.
AB 631 data bill _1_

AB 347, a bill to reduce animal dissection in schools

February 14, 2025
The Class Act will modernize science education in the state of California by requiring teachers to inform them in writing of their right to choose a non-animal replacement, as well as present sourcing and environmental concerns about dissection upon request.

AB 478, the FOUND Act, Friends of Oreo Uniting During Disasters

February 10, 2025
A critical new bill to ensure that companion animals are protected during emergencies and that local governments implement clear procedures to support pet owners during evacuations.
AB 478

SB 221, a bill to expand stalking laws to include animal protection

January 24, 2025
Senate Bill 221 would amend Penal Code section 646.9 to conform to the federal stalking statute by including threats to a victim’s pet as a component of threatening behavior.