SB 1277
Animal Abuse Registry
February 19, 2010

Existing law requires persons convicted of arson and sex crimes to register with local law enforcement, as provided. The Department of Justice is required to make specified information about certain sex offenders available to the public via an Internet Web site and to update that information on an ongoing basis.

This bill would require any person over 18 years of age who is convicted of felony animal abuse, as defined, to register with the appropriate law enforcement agency, as provided, for a period of 10 years from the date of conviction. The bill would require that the registration consist of a signed written statement of specified information, including, but not limited to, legal name and aliases, date of birth, address or current location, name and address of employer, and the specific felony animal abuse conviction for which the person is required to register. The registration would also consist of a photograph of the person, a complete set of fingerprints, and a description of any tattoos, scars, or other distinguishing features on the person’s body that would assist in identifying the person. The bill would require that, within 3 days after the registration, the registering law enforcement agency electronically forward the statement, fingerprints, and photograph of the registrant to the Department of Justice. Because the bill would require local law enforcement agencies to provide this new service, it would impose a state-mandated local program.