AB 702 - The Pet Breeder Humane Care Act

Assemblymember Santiago Introduces Bill to Protect Californians and Dogs and Cats from Unscrupulous Pet Breeders

Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles), along with bill sponsor, Social Compassion in Legislation, introduced AB 702, The Pet Breeder Humane Care Act. Historically, consumers have purchased pets, which led to a pet explosion in America. That explosion led to pet overpopulation and the mass euthanizing of millions of pets in shelters across the country, including hundreds of thousands of animals in California every year.

AB 564

Assemblywoman Gonzalez Introduces AB 564 to Secure Protection for California’s Biodiversity

Sacramento CA, February 11, 2021, The world is in the midst of an extinction crisis, which is why today, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) and joint author Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-San Jose), along with cosponsors Social Compassion in Legislation and the Center for Biological Diversity, introduced AB 564 – The Biodiversity Protection and Restoration Act of 2021. This bill seeks to ensure all state agencies, consistent with Executive Orders from Governor Brown, B-54-18 and from Governor Newsom, N-82-20, consider and prioritize the protection of biodiversity in executing their statutory directives.