Two Calls To Action! Make Your Voice Heard For AB 1881 + AB 1648!

ab 1881 image
ab 1648 image


#1 Make your voice heard for AB 1881 (Santiago), the Dog and Cat Bill of Rights, by Monday at 5PM!

PLEASE make calls to the Senators on the Judiciary Committee and urge them to vote “YES” on AB 1881! Calls must be made no later than Monday at 5PM!

Senator Thomas J. Umberg (Chair) (916) 651-4034

Senator Andreas Borgeas (Vice Chair) (916) 651-4008

Senator Anna M. Caballero (916) 651-4012

Senator María Elena Durazo (916) 651-4024

Senator Lena A. Gonzalez (916) 651-4033

Senator Robert M. Hertzberg (916) 651-4018

Senator John Laird (916) 651-4017

Senator Henry I. Stern (916) 651-4027

Senator Bob Wieckowski (916) 651-4410

Senator Scott D. Wiener (916) 651-4011

#2 Make your voice heard for AB 1648 (Maienschein), the Animal Evacuation Act, by Monday at 5PM!

PLEASE make calls to the Senators on the Governmental Organization Committee and urge them to vote “YES” on AB 1648! Calls must be made no later than Monday at 5PM!

Senator Bill Dodd (Chair) (916) 651-4003

Senator Jim Nielsen (Vice Chair) (916) 651-4004

Senator Benjamin Allen (916) 651-4026

Senator Bob Archuleta (916) 651-4032

Senator Josh Becker (916) 651-4013

Senator Andreas Borgeas (916) 651-4008

Senator Steven Bradford (916) 651-4035

Senator Steven M. Glazer (916) 651-4007

Senator Ben Hueso (916) 651-4040

Senator Brian W. Jones (916) 651-4038

Senator Sydney Kamlager (916) 651-4030

Senator Melissa A. Melendez (916) 651-4028

Senator Anthony J. Portantino (916) 651-4025

Senator Susan Rubio (916) 651-4022

Senator Scott Wilk (916) 651-4021

If you are limited for time, please prioritize the Chair and Vice Chair of both Committees. Your calls mean so much!

We cannot thank you all enough for the action you take for the animals! Please consider making a donation to help us continue our work.


With gratitude,

Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president
Social Compassion in Legislation