Speak Up for Black Bears! & Reminder: Contact the Governor for AB 1648!

AB 1648 animal evactuation plan image


AB 1648 the Animal Evacuation Act is officially on the Governor’s desk!

Governor Newsom has until September 30th to sign AB 1648 into law or veto.

We are hopeful Governor Newsom will sign the bill into law since he understands that this policy will save the lives of animals and their frantic owners who could lose their lives while attempting to save their animals. Unfortunately, we have seen this tragic scenario reported in the press. It will also help first responders as they try to evacuate areas and save lives during times of crisis when faced with these horrific disasters.

Still, the Governor needs to know there is support for this legislation. He needs to hear from you!

Please either call or use the Governor’s contact page to send your support for AB 1648!

If you choose to call, the general switchboard number is: 916-445-2841


Better yet, go to this link, and follow the prompts – steps below:

  • Click on: â€śContact”
  • Next screen, click on: “Have Comment”, then type in your first name, last name, and email address.
  • Then, select the â€śPlease choose your subject” click on drop down list, and scroll all the way down and select â€śAB01648..” , then click on “Continue” button.
  • Author of AB 1648, the Animal Evacuation Act, Assemblymember Brian Maienschein.
  • Next, screen – click on â€śPro” then write your message – make sure to say “Please sign AB 1648!” somewhere in your message.
  • Then click at bottom the â€śSend Message” button.
  • The whole process will take less than 5 minutes and means so much!



    Tomorrow, September 15th, starting at 9 AM, the CA Fish and Game Commission Wildlife Resources Committee is meeting. There are two agenda items pertaining to black bear hunting in the state that need your voice

    The first, agenda item 4, is in support of a petition to end bear hunts until the state can do a scientific study of the populations, among other things. The second, agenda item 11, is in opposition to a petition to allow additional bear hunting tags.

    Unfortunately, we cannot give accurate times for exactly when the agenda items will come up, but we anticipate agenda item #4 will be before lunch, and #11 afterwards.

    Instructions on how to join the meeting can be found HERE.

    Agenda Item #4: Bear management plan.

    Receive updates and discuss development of the Department’s bear management plan.


    Please personalize to reflect your own voice. Also, do not feel like you have to say a lot. You are encouraged to call even if to only say “I support the petition.”

    • “I ask that California’s new black bear management plan consider all the benefits that black bears confer to people and to the ecosystems. Bears are of considerable ecotourism value to local communities and are important to the ecology of their habitats.”
    • “According to the National Park Service, in 2021 more than 3 million park visitors spent an estimated $437 million in local gateway regions while visiting Yosemite National Park, supporting 5,600 jobs and $603 million in economic output in local gateway economies. Many people go to Yosemite National Park primarily hoping to view and photograph black bears.”
    • “Black bears contribute to biological diversity through their various feeding behaviors. For example, bears spread more seeds than birds.”
    • “The new management plan should consider that since it was last updated in 1998, California’s landscape has radically changed for bears—including the climate crisis that has resulted in a “Megadrought,” the worst drought in 1,200 years, along with record wildfires and extreme heat waves.”
    • “All of these factors combined mean that bears must work harder to find food, resulting in record numbers of vehicle- bear collisions, especially for mother bears with cubs.”

    Agenda Item #11: Commission Regulation Change Petition 2021-017

    Discuss and potentially make recommendations on various changes to big game hunting regulations proposed under petition 2021-017.


    Please personalize to reflect your own voice. Also, do not feel like you have to say a lot. You are encouraged to call even if to only say â€śI OPPOSE the petition.”

    • “I respectfully request that the California Fish and Game Commission reject the petition seeking to increase black bear hunting in California.”
    • “The current black bear management plan is a quarter-century old. The Commission should propose that there should be NO bear hunting without a plan in place and in light of the environmental conditions bears now face in California.”
    • “Disallow archery equipment for hunting black bears. Arcadia residents last week witnessed and heard a large black bear wandering with an arrow sticking from his body and moaning in distress. Using archery equipment on black bears is unacceptably cruel because their massive muscles and dense bones make obtaining quick, clean kills very difficult. How many bears are wounded every year and then slowly die from injuries caused by arrows? If the stated objective of hunters is to kill bears quickly and humanely, there is simply no justification for the use of this Robin Hood-era equipment.”
    • “As you know, polls find that a super majority of Californians reject black bear recreational hunting. The Commission should listen to the majority’s point of view on this issue. We Californians value bears far beyond their use as a bearskin rug on someone’s floor.”

    We cannot thank you all enough for the action you take for the animals! Please consider making a donation to help us continue our work.

    With gratitude,

    Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president

    Social Compassion in Legislation