The Planet Needs Your Calls! AB 1979 Will Be Voted On Wednesday, 4/27!


AB 1979 is a new bill which responds to Governor Newsom’s veto message to 2021’s AB 416. The Governor committed to working with Assemblymember Kalra and the sponsors on this crucial legislation, and we are pleased to report that we are in active discussion with the administration on the bill.

But the Committee must hear from you, as opposition is working hard to stop it!

Please call the members of the Assembly Accountability & Administrative Review Committee and ask that they:

“Vote YES on AB 1979, the Deforestation-free Procurement Act”

If you can call all of the Committee members listed below, that would be great!

Phone Numbers
NOTE: Our Tuesday email asking you to make calls to the Assembly Business & Professions Committee had phone numbers listed with incorrect legislators. Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience that it may have caused. We pulled the phone numbers from a subscription service that was incorrect. Now, we are getting the phone numbers straight from each legislators website and calling to confirm them so that this does not happen again.

If you reached offices and expressed your support for the bills, that is still great as those offices will register that support – so please know that your efforts still made an impact!

We cannot thank you all enough for your support. All the support letters and calls are essential for success!

Please go to our How-to-Help page to sign on to our support letters for this and all of our bills!

If you have recently made a donation…thank you so much! If you have not, please consider making one today.

Thank you so much,
Judie Mancuso, founder/CEO/president
Social Compassion in Legislation