Social Compassion 501(c)(3)

Social Compassion is our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization was founded in 2007 and focuses on instilling greater compassion throughout society by promoting the protection of all animals – Earth’s most vulnerable inhabitants – and the environment in which we all live. Through humane education programs, public service announcements, rapid response media campaigns, and support for spay and neuter programs throughout California and beyond, Social Compassion helps all beings gain the respect, rights, and health they deserve and need to thrive.

Social Compassion

Social Compassion also acts as the incubator for research and development of various public policy objectives designed to protect animals and the environment. Conducting research to formulate strong public policy and engaging allies, stakeholders and impacted communities all take time and resources.

Social Compassion allows us to do this important work. A long road needs to be paved before we reach Sacramento, Washington, D.C. or key government agencies with legislation ideas. Once there, our sister organization, Social Compassion in Legislation advocates on behalf of those ideas and turns them into actual legislation…and eventually new laws.

All donations to Social Compassion, our 501(c)(3), are tax deductible. Social Compassion is the vehicle from which we drive all non-lobbying activities. 501(c)(3) include: setting up and running humane education programs, spay and neutering efforts, stakeholder alliance building, and media and public outreach to raise awareness, or to stop abuses to animals.

Donations allow us to continue our important work


SB 1249
Truly historic bill making California the first state to ban the sale of cosmetics and personal hygiene products newly tested on animals, preventing needless animal...
SB 273
Makes California the first state to ban recreational and commercial fur trapping, thus ending an anti-quated, cruel and taxpayer-subsi-dized practice that was destroying wildlife for...
SB 485
Bans the sale of “puppy mill” bred dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores. This landmark law has been replicated in four states and over...
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Donation Total: $100.00


Social Compassion 2018 P.O Box 1125, Laguna Beach, CA 92652-1125 #20-8067041