All Past Campaigns

Landmark Laws

P.E.T.S. Act

January 30, 2024
AB 1893 (Maienschein) the P.E.T.S. Act, a bill to reinstate a program to fund spay and neuter surgeries. The fund will be named The Pet Euthanasia Prevention Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund.
AB 1983-P.E.T.S.-Act-3


February 19, 2024
AB 3162 (Bennett), the OCTO Act, a bill to ban octopus farming.

State Audit of State Purchases that Contribute to Tropical Deforestation (Kalra)

June 6, 2023
This audit request was approved to study the state’s contribution to tropical deforestation through the taxpayer dollars it spends on those products harvested from these forests.

ACR 86 (Kalra) The Pet Crisis Response Resolution

May 24, 2023
A Resolution highlighting the pet overpopulation crisis and required responses, such as ongoing funding for spaying and neutering

AB 829 The Animal Cruelty & Violence Intervention Act

March 1, 2023
This bill expanded mandatory mental health counseling for those convicted of animal abuse crimes, as well as encourages courts to order mental health evaluations and higher level of treatment when necessary.

AB 1781 (Rubio) The Safe Transportation of Dogs and Cats Act

February 4, 2022
This bill requires that all traveling housing facilities, such as animal control vehicles, to transport animals in such a manner that the conditions, such as extreme weather, do not endanger the animal.

AB 1648 (Maienschein) The Animal Evacuation Act

January 25, 2022
This bill requires an animal owner, as a condition for obtaining a kennel permit, to have an evacuation plan in the event of an emergency.
AB 1648 California

AB 558 (Nazarian) The Child Nutrition Act

March 3, 2021
The intent of this bill was included in the 2022 state budget by allocating $100,000,000 in grants to schools to be used for plant-based food or locally sourced food.
The Child Nutrition Act of 2022

AB 1282 (Wilk) California Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act

February 19, 2021
This bill brought compassion, transparency, and oversight to California’s animal blood banks by allowing for community blood banks to operate and set into motion a mechanism for phasing out cruel closed-colony blood banks.

State Audit of Pet Lover’s License Plate

March 21, 2020
This audit request was approved and identified ways administration of the Pet Lover’s License Plate could be improved.

SB 573 (Chang) Pet Microchipping Bill

January 1, 2020
This bill mandated that all pets leaving a shelter, whether adopted or reclaimed by owner, to be microchipped, thus saving animal lives by raising reunification chances.
Screen Shot 2020-01-15 at 12.03.37 AM

AB 1260 (Maienschein) Sales Ban on Exotic Skins

February 21, 2019
Added hippopotami, caimans, and several species of reptile species to the list of animals that cannot be sold in California or imported with intent to sell.
Screenshot from 2019-06-04 11-35-33

SB 313 (Hueso) Prohibition of Wild Animals in Circuses

February 15, 2019
Makes California the third state to ban the use of wild animals in circuses, saving countless elephants, bears, lions and other animals from torture and abuse for entertainment.
Coalition to Announce State Senate Bill 313 to End Circus Cruelty in California

AB 273 (Gonzalez) The Wildlife Protection Act

January 24, 2019
Makes California the first state to ban recreational and commercial fur trapping, thus ending an antiquated, cruel and taxpayer-subsidized practice that was destroying wildlife for private profit.

SB 1138 (Skinner) Ensuring a Plant-based Meal Option

October 1, 2018
This first-of-its-kind bill requires all California state healthcare facilities and prisons to make a plant-based meal option available, ensuring residents have access to cruelty-free and healthy meals.
Ensuring a Plant Based Meal Option

SB 1249 (Galgiani) The California Cruelty-free Cosmetics Act

October 1, 2018
Truly historic bill making California the first state to ban the sale of cosmetics and personal hygiene products tested on animals after Jan. 1, 2020, preventing needless animal suffering.
California Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act

AB 2445 (O’Donnell) Retail Pet Sales Ban Records Bill

July 20, 2018
This bill requires pet store operators to maintain records documenting the health, status, and disposition of each animal adopted out for at least 2 years and ensures access to all health records.
Little girl with puppy in pet shop, friendship

SB 673 (Newman) Pet Lover’s Plate Administrative Bill

October 14, 2017
This bill transferred administration and oversight of the Pet Lover’s Plate Program from VMB to CDFA in order to expedite grants.

AB 485 (O’Donnell) The Pet Rescue and Adoption Act

October 13, 2017
A landmark bill banning the sale of “puppy mill” bred dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores. As of 2023, the bill has been replicated in 6 states and over 400 localities.
Pet Rescue and Adoption Act

SB 1200 (Jackson) Criminal Animal Abuse Statistics Bill

August 29, 2016
This bill requires the Department of Justice to include information regarding arrests for animal abuse in its annual report to the Governor.

HR 28 (Dababneh/Calderon) Humane Education Resolution

May 2, 2016
In a world desperately in need of more kindness, HR 28 put the state of California on record urging compliance with the state’s Education Code provisions regarding humane education.
humane education

S04327A/A5956 (Rosenthal) NY Dining with Dogs Bill

November 5, 2015
This bill permitted NY restaurants to allow dogs to dine with their human companions in outdoor areas, finally legalizing the practice of dining with your dog!

AB 192 (Allen) Specialized License Plates Administration Bill

October 5, 2015
This bill corrected existing law to clarify sponsoring agencies delegating responsibilities to a nonprofit working on the Pet Lover’s License Plate.

ACR 56 (Linder) Official State Pet Declaration

September 8, 2015
This bill made the shelter pet the “Official State Pet.” This bill helped the continuing cultural shift to value our shelter pets as the wonderful animals that they are.

AB 1965 (Yamada) California Dining with Dogs Bill

August 21, 2014
This bill permitted CA restaurants to allow dogs to dine with their human companions in outdoor areas, finally legalizing the practice of dining with your dog!

AB 610 (Soloario) Pet Lover’s License Plate Time Extension Bill

May 3, 2012
This bill extended administrative deadlines required to create the Pet Lover’s License Plate, which provides funds for low cost spay and neuter services across California.

AB 2689 (Smyth) Online Rabies Reporting Bill

July 6, 2010
This bill clarified how local jurisdictions could require proof of pets’ rabies vaccination by allowing online reporting.

SB 1806 (Figueroa) Animals in Unattended Motor Vehicles Bill

September 22, 2006
This landmark bill made it illegal to leave animals unattended in a vehicle under conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, that would inflict suffering on the animal.
dog in car


AB 416 California Deforestation-Free Procurement Act

February 4, 2021
This bill would establish the California Deforestation-Free Procurement Act. The bill would require a contractor, as defined, and specified subcontractors, for any contract entered into, extended, or renewed on or…
AB 416 Kalra

AB 416 California Deforestation-Free Procurement Act

February 4, 2021
This bill would establish the California Deforestation-Free Procurement Act. The bill would require a contractor, as defined, and specified subcontractors, for any contract entered into, extended, or renewed on or after
AB 416

SB 202 Blood Banks

April 2, 2019
SB 202 will allow for animals that live with their owners to give blood at commercial blood banks.
Screenshot from 2019-06-04 11-35-27

AB 733 Aquatic Toxiticity

February 19, 2019
Hazardous waste must be disposed of properly to protect public health and the environment. Today, Assemblymember Bill Quirk (D-Hayward) introduced AB 733, which will enable California to identify this waste more humanely
Screenshot from 2019-06-04 11-35-59

SB 64 Pet Microchipping Bill

January 29, 2019
The bill mandates microchipping for all dogs and cats being adopted from shelter or rescue or reclaimed by owner.
Screenshot from 2019-06-11 16-52-03

SB 1487 Iconic African Species Protection Act

October 1, 2018
SB 1487 (Stern) the Iconic African Species Protection Act, was ultimately vetoed by the Governor on September 30th. He based his veto message on concerns of unenforceability, an issue that was raised by the Department of
Iconic African Species Protection Act

AB 2474 Replacement Animal Test for Hazardous Waste

August 31, 2018
Existing law requires the Department of Toxic Substances Control to regulate the handling and management of hazardous waste. Existing law requires the department to develop and adopt by regulation criteria and guidelines

AB 2362 Safe Transportation of Dogs and Cats

August 22, 2018
Existing law governs the retail sale of dogs and cats by pet dealers, as defined, and establishes minimum standards for the care of those animals, as specified. This bill would establish health and safety standards for
Dogs in the car

SB 702 Microchipping Impounded Animals

March 23, 2011
SB 702, Introduced by Senator Lieu and sponsored by SCIL. The bill required all dogs and cats to be microchipped upon adoption or being reclaimed by their owner from California’s local animal shelters.
cat being microchipped

AB 241 The Responsible Breeder Act

April 13, 2009
AB 241 The Responsible Breeder Act, introduced by Assembly Member Nava and sponsored by SCIL. AB 241 addressed the problems puppy mills create by limiting the number of intact cats or dogs a seller could maintain.
sad dogs


Expands Breeder Regulations and Shelter Adoption Availability Online

March 12, 2024
Will expand the definition of breeder by lowering the number of dogs that must be bred for breeding regulations to apply, and ensure that all dogs sold by breeders are microchipped and vaccinated. The bill also includes provisions requiring that shelters post the adoption availability of animals on their website or a third-party website. Lastly, it will order the California Department of Food and Agriculture to conduct a study on overcrowding in California shelters and potential remedies, including a statewide database listing all dogs and cats available for adoption.

Compassionate Learning Advancements for Science Students (CLASS) Act

March 12, 2024
The Class Act will modernize science education in the state of California by requiring teachers to present sourcing and environmental concerns about dissection to students as well as inform them of their right to choose a non-animal replacement. This bill will support more inclusive, trauma-informed classrooms and prevent the needless and agonizing deaths of millions of animals each year.

Ensure State Fair Rules Allow Junior Exhibits to Opt-Out of “Terminal” Auctions

February 16, 2024
AB 3053 (Kalra) a bill to allow junior agricultural kids to save their animal from slaughter.

Expanding Access to Cat Neuters

February 6, 2024
AB 2133 (Kalra), a bill to allow RVTs to perform cat neuters under the direct supervision of a DVM.

Animal Shelter Data Collection Act

January 31, 2024
AB 2012 (Lee) the Animal Shelter Data Collection Act, a bill to require the Department of Public Health to resume collecting specified data from public animal shelters as part of their annual rabies control activities reporting.

The Animal Shelter Data Collection Act

January 30, 2023
The bill requires that the Department of Public Health (CDPH) collect and publish animal shelter in-take and outcome data, including adoption, redemption, euthanasia, and other categories as a part of the Department’s rabies control program.

AB 332 The Animal Shelter Data Collection Act

January 30, 2023
The bill requires that the Department of Public Health (CDPH) collect and publish animal shelter in-take and outcome data, including adoption, redemption, euthanasia, and other categories as a part of the Department’s ra

AB 1979 The California Deforestation-free Procurement Act

February 11, 2022
This bill would establish the California Deforestation-Free Procurement Act. The bill would require a contractor, as defined, and specified subcontractors, for any contract entered into, extended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2025,

AB 1881 The Dog & Cat Bill of Rights

January 25, 2022
AB 1881 promotes the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of dogs and cats by informing potential adopters of the animal’s needs before they adopt. This bill would require a public animal control agency or shelter
AB 1881

AB 953 The Save Our Coastline Act

January 25, 2022
This bill would require the commission to terminate all remaining oil and gas leases under its jurisdiction in tidelands and submerged lands within state waters by December 31, 2023.
AB 953 the Save Our Coastline Act

SB 376 Wildlife Trafficking and Trade Act

March 5, 2021
The Wildlife Trafficking and Trade Act (SB 376) seeks to address the conditions which led, in part, to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, namely wildlife trafficking and trade. This bill requires the Department of F
Wildlife Trafficking and Trade Act

AB 1289 The Smart Climate Agriculture Program

February 19, 2021
AB 1289 will help increase agricultural revenue and make California a leader in supplying and processing plant-based foods
AB 1289

AB 702 The Pet Breeder Humane Care Act

February 16, 2021
The Pet Breeder Humane Care Act aims to enhance humane minimum standards of care for bred dogs and cats and consumer protection.
AB 702

AB 564 Protection for California's Biodiversity

February 11, 2021
The Biodiversity Protection and Restoration Act, which is cosponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation, would require state agencies to prioritize the protection of biodiversity in carrying out mandates.
AB 564

AB 534 Protect Endangered Sea Life

February 10, 2021
The Whale Entanglement Prevention Act would require ropeless crabbing gear by 2025, ensuring California’s leadership role in whale protection around the world.
AB 534

SB 1175 Iconic African Species Act

January 1, 2021
Will make it illegal to possess body parts of iconic species from Africa, such as lions, elephants, and giraffes, stopping hunters from bringing their tragically killed animals back to California.
Zebra on elephant and Kilimanjaro background

AB 1586 Replacing Animals in Science Education Act

February 25, 2019
Under the proposed legislation, all California schools would replace animal dissection activities with contemporary and humane teaching methods in line with industry standards and best practices.
Replacing Animals in Science Education Act

AB 572 California Deforestation-Free Procurement Act

February 14, 2019
Bill mandates state contracts involving forest-risk commodities only go to companies with sustainable practices.
Screenshot from 2019-06-04 13-53-39

AB 486 Pet Evacuation Bill

February 12, 2019
This bill will require pet owners holding a kennel permit with their local jurisdiction to have an evacuation plan.

AB 3159 Poultry Slaughter

February 16, 2018
Existing law specifies the method by which designated animals are required to be slaughtered by any person engaged in the business of slaughtering those animals or by any person when all, or any part, of that animal is
Chickens on poultry farm


AB 1908 The F.I.R.E. Act of 2022

February 9, 2022
This bill would allow an incarcerated individual, who successfully participated and completed trained in a program, as specified, as an incarcerated individual hand crewmember, be eligible for a firefighter certificate p
AB 1908 The F.I.R.E. Act of 2022

AB 3143 Stingrays

February 21, 2020
Would add specific species of stingrays to a list that already includes big cats, polar bears, dolphins, and other threatened or endangered species.

AB 889 California Transparency in Research Act

January 20, 2019
A new bill introduced last week in the California State Assembly would modernize and expand a statewide system in which some laboratories currently report animal use.

SCR 100 Prop 65 Resolution on adding Carcinogenic Meats

February 12, 2018
The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, an initiative measure approved by the voters as Proposition 65 at the November 4, 1986, statewide general election (Proposition 65), prohibits a person, in the
meat background view

Tabled due to covid-19

AB 2568 Pet Evacuation

February 20, 2020
Introduced to establish protections for animals during emergency evacuations.

SB 1041 Hunting Deer with Dogs Prohibition Act

February 18, 2020
Will make California the 40th state to end the practice of using dogs to hunt deer.

AB 2002 Deforestation-Free Procurement Act

January 1, 2020
This bill will make it mandatory that the state of California only enter into contracts for goods with companies that have a no deforestation policy in place.
Portrait of male Sumatran orangutan Pongo abelii in Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia.

SB 1115 Doggy Donor Act

January 1, 2020
Our bill will open the market to community-sourced animal donors, i.e. animals that donate blood but live at a home with their human companions.

AB 2177 Equine Welfare & Safety Horseracing Act

January 1, 2020
The bill will address all the horse deaths at Santa Anita Park and beyond by raising the standards for pre-existing conditions, administration of drugs, and punishment for those that violate the new rules.
Horse race final rush. Competition sport. Hippodrome. Winner. Speed

2653 Smart Climate Agriculture

January 1, 2020
This bill will help them out of the dying animal agricultural industry by providing them with transitional support grants to move them to emerging plant-based farming.
Farmer in vineyard

AB 479 Plant Based Food & Beverage Program K-12

February 13, 2019
Landmark California Legislation Encourages Climate-friendly, Plant-Based Lunch Options for Students.